A Mixed Approach
Some individuals may think chiropractic and fibromyalgia treatment together seem unrelated, but many in this field believe this type of treatment can help reverse its process.
Experts believe fibromyalgia and other diseases are caused by the restriction of spinal cord structures which disrupt the central nervous system. This change can cause hypersensitivity and begin to affect nerve endings which result in numerous fibromyalgia related
such as numbness, tingling, burning, and itchy feet or hands.
In addition, many believe these nerve disruptions are contributors to other fibromyalgia symptoms like irritable bowel, spastic colon, irregular heart rate, panic attacks, irritable bladder and muscle twitches or spasms.
Other experts add that this attack on the central nervous system can compromise the immune system and lead to stiff joints and sore muscles.
There are generally two types of chiropractic treatment methods that are being used today. There is "straight" chiropractic, which focuses strictly on the manual adjustment of the vertebra to help treat misalignment and the above mentioned restrictions.
The other form is "mixed" chiropractic treatments that combine manual adjustment with holistic treatment methods such as alternative medicine and fibromyalgia massage.
Speak Your Mind
I've responded the best from a "mixed" regimen because of the combined power of these treatment approaches. A combination of the right
correct realignment and a gentle massage has helped me more than anything else in the last 20 years.
I've visited numerous chiropractors over the years either because of my change in jobs or moving to different areas. The most important thing I've learned is that you need to let them know about your sensitivities.
Only a select few understand the long list of complex issues related to fibromyalgia. Chiropractic adjustment methods can be very intimidating to some people, especially individuals who are sensitive to sudden or abrupt movements.
This is exactly why I choose the mixed method, because it first consists of realignment and stretching followed by a gentle massage to prevent the muscles from stiffening up. Then the addition of a hot bath or jacuzzi visit when I get home lands the winning knockout punch to allow me to sleep comfortably without pain or discomfort.
A good chiropractor will listen to your concerns and slowly introduce you to their practice so you become comfortable with their plan of action.
In conclusion, using a chiropractic and fibromyalgia massage therapy program has been one of the smartest decisions I ever made. Removing the burden of restricted spinal cord structures and the consistent use of an effective alignment regimen has been a key factor in the success of my recovery. It may be well worth your time to investigate this approach.
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